Glucose Powder with Vitamin C
Backed by domain expertise, we are engaged in manufacturing and supplying Glucose Powder.We have a huge supply of glucose powder in India. Rich source of energy, these products are formulated with the aid of high-grade ingredients that are obtained from the accredited vendors of the industry. Apart from this, we offer these products in different packaging sizes to suit the demands of customers.
Our Glucose-D Powder is filled with natural indegridents and also filled with rich naturals. it does not harm the body like recent artificial products.Our Glucose-D contains high glucose that helps replenish body glucose and fills you with the energy required to stay active. ... Enriched with Vitamin-C and Minerals, including Calcium and Phosphorus, this glucose drink helps charge you up to fight tiredness and promotes mental alertness.
Longer shelf life
Glucose Powder with Vitamin C supplier in Udaipur